Archival advising
Records with enduring value should be preserved, ensuring that these important historical items are available to users today and in the future. Work with an expert who can provide archival guidance to protect your legacy.
Records management provides institutional accountability and timely access to information. Benefit from a records manager who can help you reduce costs for moves, storage, and supplies.
Book and Manuscript Appraising
Appraisal offers valuable insights into books and manuscripts' historical, cultural, and market significance. Hire an appraiser to aid collectors and repositories in making informed acquisition, valuation, and preservation decisions.
Historical Research
Historical evidence reveals knowledge through analytical and critical thinking skills. Gain a clear understanding of the impact of the past on the present and future events. Unlock insights with a trained historian.
Types of projects
Implementing or evaluating archives and records management programs
Managing digitization, database, and collaborative projects
Writing, reviewing, and advising on grant applications
Executing strategic planning and needs assessments
Surveying, arranging, and describing collections
Creating corporate and institutional histories
Providing reference and research services
Writing proposals and reports