As a Certified Archivist, a Certified Records Manager, and an Information Governance Professional, I help my clients to benefit from their information, from its creation, use, storage, and disposition. Working with a skilled consultant gives you peace of mind that your data is always ready to be leveraged throughout its life cycle.
The Alchemy of Adroitness
No matter how big or small your project is, an archives and records management consultant can help you transform your organization through its information. Here are ten ways in which consultants work magic:
Expertise. The skills necessary for the growing and changing needs of an organization are unavailable inside the organization. Therefore organizations turn to consultants to complete projects or solve problems.
Time. Even when the skills are available in the organization, staff members may not have the time to complete special projects or research. A consultant can be a part of the organization just long enough to achieve what needs to be done.
Experience. Certain professions have a shortage of trained employees. Consultants can fill in until demand is met by training or hiring new employees.
Flexibility. Consultants can be brought in for the short term to complete a project. When the work is completed, the organization can terminate the relationship easily and quickly.
Objectivity. Consultants provide fresh perspectives. Outsiders can look at a problem in a new, unbiased way.
New Ideas. Consultants bring with them ideas from other businesses and fields. The cross-pollination is a sure-fire way to tape into many resources. Staff members may be too close to the problem to see a new solution.
Efficiency. Hiring a consultant who has experienced the same type of project in the past may be faster and more cost-effective than bringing staff members up to speed.
Assessment. A consultant can provide an objective evaluation, define the problem, and make recommendations.
Resolution. In the case of a change in organizational structure, a consultant can act as an independent mediator to solve problems.
Compliance. An organization may not have enough time and may lack the expertise to comply with legal expectations. Hiring a consultant shows that an effort is being made to correct the problem.
Leverage Expertise
Interested in learning more? Contact me to begin a conversation about your archives and records management needs.